The Law Offices of Qadeer & Sheikh represent and assist clients with restraining order matters.
The standard for entry of a Final Restraining Order (FRO) under the New JerseyPrevention of Domestic Violence has been long established by the Courts. It is discussed in depth in the case Silver vs.Silver. In order to turn a temporary restraining order into a final one, the plaintiff(the alleged victim)must have a qualifying relationship with the defendant, and also has the burden to establish that:
1. The defendant committed one or more of the predicate acts of domestic violence identified in the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act; and
2. There is a need for the protection of an FRO going forward.
Our office has a solid reputation in New Jersey and have successfully represented several clients in these matters. Every case is unique and based on the facts of your situation, we can determine how best to guide you. For more information, please schedule a consultation with our office.